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Spiegelung Schriftzug Willy Brandt auf Glasfassade
Spiegelung Schriftzug Willy Brandt auf Glasfassade

Executive Board’s

on gender equality and equal pay

Executive Board’s report on gender equality and equal pay

The German Act on the Promotion of Pay Transparency between Women and Men (Transparency in Wage Structures Act – Entgelttransparenzgesetz – EntgTranspG) came into force in 2017. In addition to employees’ right to information, the law includes an obligation for larger companies to publish reports on gender equality and equal pay (pay transparency report). In accordance with Section 22 Para. 1 EntgTranspG, FBB is required to prepare a pay transparency report every five years, which covers the reporting period of the previous five years.

Reporting period 2017-2021 (german)