The Airport CDM procedure offers advantages for all parties involved. The more airports participate in the procedure, the greater and more far-reaching the benefits.
A core element of the airport CDM process is the generation of milestones and alarms.
Each flight must pass through predefined milestones so that all parties involved know the status of the flight or aircraft at a certain point in time. If changes occur within the process that require an adjustment, a predefined partner is informed of this in the form of airport CDM alarms (as a result of the milestone generation).
The alerts are divided into three categories - red, orange and yellow.
If an alarm falls into the red category, the airport CDM procedure for this flight is interrupted and urgent action is required.
The orange category describes a situation in which the procedure is not interrupted, but may well be at a later stage. In any case, there is a need for clarification.
Alarms in the yellow category are of an informational nature. The procedure is not interrupted at any time. However, there is a need for clarification.