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Reflection of Willy Brandt lettering on glass façade
Reflection of Willy Brandt lettering on glass façade

Photo and filming

Please note

For media inquiries, our press officers are at your disposal. Press representatives can directly use this contact form for their request. All requests will be processed as quickly as possible during our business hours (Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00).

Outside business hours and at weekends, media representatives can reach the airport information desk in urgent cases between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. via the press office telephone +49 30 6091 6091 0

Please fill out the contact form.

General information for media activities

At present, only daily journalistic photo and film requests can be handled at Berlin Brandenburg Airport, and only to a limited extent.

Filming, photography and audio recordings can be restricted, withdrawn, postponed to another date or refused without giving reasons.

  • Media requests for commercial purposes can currently only be approved to a limited extent.
  • Employees at BER Airport may not be filmed directly (right to one's own image) or only after permission has been granted. Should passengers or employees feel disturbed, this may lead to the filming being stopped.
  • The instructions of the airport staff must be followed without fail. Should any complications arise, please contact the Press Office +49 30 6091 70100
  • Please observe the security regulations in the aviation security area, as there will be a security check and unauthorised items may be confiscated.

Furthermore, we ask you to bear in mind that not all motifs fall within our sole area of responsibility. Filming in the aircraft is decided by the respective airlines, the tower is operated by the German Air Traffic Control, passenger and cargo handling is carried out by handling companies, filming at customs or the Federal Police is approved by the respective authorities. If you plan to film at the station, please contact Deutsche Bahn.

Filming and photographing security equipment and personnel is strictly prohibited. The general aviation security regulations apply.

Contact form

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Press office
Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH
Visiting address

Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg
Operating Area BER North
Willy-Brandt-Straße 1
12529 Schönefeld