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Lights in front of BER Tower
Lights in front of BER Tower

Taxi companies

Relevant information at a glance

All taxi drivers can conveniently unload their passengers directly in front of the terminal at Berlin Brandenburg Airport. Taxi drivers with a loading permit at BER have access to the modern taxi infrastructure. There is a separate designated area for pre-booked taxi rides.

Relevant documents for download (German)

Frequently asked questions

Taxis can use terminal approach E1 on the Terminal 1 departure level to unload passengers for Terminals 1 and 2. If you would like to unload your passengers at ground level at Terminal 2, please use the drive-through lane of terminal approach E0 on the arrivals level of Terminal 1. From there, passengers can reach Terminal 2 safely and using a short route. Please note the valid prices, T&Cs and minutes for a free stay.

Only taxis from the Dahme-Spreewald District and the State of Berlin that are authorised for loading are permitted to pick up passengers at BER. To do this, you must use the taxi infrastructure at BER, including the north and south taxi loading zones. The taxi infrastructure is operated by APCOA Parking Deutschland GmbH.

Pre-booked taxis without loading authorisation can pick up their pre-booked passengers at the southern end of the terminal drive-through lane E0 on the arrivals level of Terminal 1 in the designated waiting area. Please note the valid prices, T&Cs and minutes for a free stay.

The condition for using the taxi infrastructure is a contract for passenger pick-ups at Berlin Brandenburg Airport between APCOA Parking Deutschland GmbH and the taxi company as well as a valid permit to operate taxis services (in accordance with Section 47 German Passenger Transportation Act – PBefG) for the Dahme-Spreewald District or a loading permit for Berlin taxis.

The condition for using the taxi infrastructure is a contract for passenger pick-ups at Berlin Brandenburg Airport between APCOA Parking Deutschland GmbH and the taxi company as well as a valid permit to operate taxis services (in accordance with Section 47 German Passenger Transportation Act – PBefG) for the Dahme-Spreewald District or a loading permit for Berlin taxis.


APCOA Parking Deutschland GmbH is responsible for operating the taxi infrastructure:

APCOA PARKING Deutschland GmbH
Parking office multi-storey car park P3
Margarete-von-Etzdorf-Straße 1
12529 Berlin

+49 711 947 91478 (local rate)

Please contact APCOA directly for any questions not answered in the FAQ:

APCOA Taxi Management
+49 711 947 91478
(local rate, Mo.-So. 08 am-20 pm)

Find out more at

You can find the current occupancy of the taxi waiting areas here: