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Lights in front of BER Tower
Lights in front of BER Tower

Purchasing and

Terminal 1 from the apron

The airport company operates Berlin Brandenburg Airport Willy Brandt (BER). Our suppliers and service providers work for a modern medium-sized service company. We expect reliability and quality from our suppliers. In return, we offer growth prospects in an exciting industry.

The purchasing

We are the first point of contact for all types of procurement and are involved in decisions within the value chain. Purchasing is responsible for the entire procurement process.

In addition, Purchasing provides support in all procurement and contract law issues and ensures proper warehousing and site supply (supply chain).

Purchasing is divided into the following focal areas

  • Operational Purchasing & Materials Management and Purchasing for Supplies and Services with a focus on awarding contracts and
  • Purchasing for construction and planning services.

Due to the large number of long-term construction projects and continuously required supplies and services for airport operations, Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH is an attractive and reliable partner in the region.

As a result of the Mittelstandsgebot, medium-sized companies also have the opportunity to enter into business relationships with us. There are numerous supply and service relationships between us and companies from the region. A legal claim cannot be derived from this due to public procurement law.

Purchasing department

Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH


12521 Berlin