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Airport Campus is back

Published: 18 November 2021, 16:00

After almost 2 years of abstinence, the first Airport Campus lecture after BER opened its doors to the public took place on November 17. The joy this caused was particularly evident in CHRO Michael Halberstadt, who welcomed 40 students from the airport region. The evening’s discussion centred on the passenger as a customer - framework conditions, structural changes & the coronavirus pandemic. 

Tim Cramm, then gave a presentation as speaker. In his role as Head of Centre Management, he spoke pointedly about the many challenges for the non-aviation sector. The focus was placed squarely on the effects of the coronavirus pandemic at the airport and among its tenants, how passenger structure is changing and the general requirements of customers. In addition, the students were able to form an impression of the business segment’s importance for an airport and how it is developed strategically.

In addition to subject-specific questions, the young students were interested, among other things, in the entire commissioning process of BER, planned long-haul connections and the recovery of air traffic. 

BER at your fingertips

Practical insights on a guided airport tour 

After the lecture, the participants went on a guided tour on BER’s landside. Stops on the tour led by Michael Halberstadt and Tim Cramm included the central marketplace in the security zone and the visitor terrace. 

After all questions had been answered in the terminal, the evening ended cosily with a small corona-compliant get-together in the deli.

About Airport Campus

Airport Campus was launched in November 2008. Since then, it has hosted 62 lectures and received around 3,900 students. In 2018, Airport Campus celebrated its 10th anniversary as an event format with a panel discussion!

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