Kinder in Turnhalle
Kinder in Turnhalle

3,240 high-visibility
jackets for primary

Published: 09 September 2024, 10:00

Airport company campaign at the start of the school year

At the start of the new school year, the airport company once again distributed high-visibility jackets to primary schools in the BER region. As part of the annual back-to-school campaign, schools in the airport region had a further opportunity to equip their new first classes with high-visibility jackets from the airport company free of charge. Thanks to the positive response in recent years, more and more schools are becoming aware of the campaign. This year, 3,240 high-visibility jackets in total were distributed to 38 primary schools in Berlin and Brandenburg in the vicinity of BER.

One of the schools that was delighted to receive high-visibility jackets this year is the school at Altglienicker Wasserturm. Christian Franzke, the airport company’s representative for the surrounding area, personally handed over the bright yellow jackets to the headmaster, Marcel Mager, and the first-grade children on 6 September 2024. We hope all the children get off to a good start at school and have a safe journey to school at all times.

“High-visibility clothing is part of everyday working life at the airport and is essential for employees’ safety. By way of our high-visibility jackets for school enrolment, we want to help ensure that children starting school in our neighbouring communities are also clearly visible in traffic and get to school safely.”

- Christian Franzke, representative for the surrounding area of Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH

“The BER high-visibility jackets contribute to the safety of our youngest schoolchildren, which is really great. I am delighted that this time we are able to provide all 102 first-graders who we are welcoming this school year with a jacket. Many thanks to BER’s neighbourhood work!”

- Marcel Mager, headmaster of the school at Altglienicker Wasserturm in Berlin-Altglienicker

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