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Bee flies at a tree blossom
Bee flies at a tree blossom

Bee happy

Published: 20 May 2022, 16:40

There are 585 species of bee in Germany. Half of these are threatened in their existence, some have already become extinct. In order to survive, the bees require fodder, suitable nesting sites and appropriate building material.

On the occasion of Neighbours' Day and World Bee Day, both of which are today, the airport operating company is inviting kindergarten groups, school classes, charitable and social associations/initiatives, care facilities and environmental groups with educational programmes for children from the immediate vicinity of the airport to participate in this year’s creative competition.

Those who are interested may submit their projects until June 30th 2022. A jury will select the most exciting ones from all submissions. Prizes amounting to a total of 3,000 Euros have been set aside for the projects.

The documents may either be sent by e-mail to or by post. You may find further information on this in the flyer (in German).

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