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Flugshow der ILA 2022
Flugshow der ILA

ILA 2024

The ILA will take place from 05 to 09 June 2024

Published: 05 June 2024, 06:00

This year, the ILA will once again take place at the exhibition centre in Selchow. The exhibition will open its doors to trade visitors from 5 to 7 June and to all interested parties on 8 and 9 June.

Various demonstration flights will take place from 11.30 a.m. to 5 p.m., which can be viewed in more detail on the following website:

Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH will also be carrying out aircraft noise measurements in the vicinity of the southern runway during the ILA 24. In addition to the permanently installed measuring points, there will also be a mobile measurement centre in Groß Kienitz during the ILA period. The mobile measurement trailer is equipped with state-of-the-art electronics and highly sensitive microphones.

The aviation authority monitors the events at the International Aerospace Exhibition. Even though the ILA would be inconceivable without flight demonstrations, exhibitors and pilots must adhere to strict noise regulations. The value of 111 dB(A) must not be exceeded above inhabited areas. At the same time, the so-called maximum level frequency criterion applies. This means that the value of 94 dB(A) may be reached a maximum of 19 times per demonstration day at each measuring point. Measurements are taken when the exhibits arrive and during the Bundeswehr's test and demonstration flights.

The measurement results are published online after each flight day

Karte mit Messstellen zur ILA im Umfeld des BER.

The ILA's authorisation is published here (german):

Messe Berlin has set up the following contact options for all flights and noise incidents during the ILA:

030/3038 6006

The information published on this page corresponds to the status on the date of publication or update.