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Visitors at the Noise Protection Day
Visitor at the Noise Protection Day

7th FBB Noise Protection Day

Published: 28 June 2022, 15:55

70 guests attended the Noise Protection Day on 27 June 2022. The technical and legal principles of the noise protection programme, tips on installing noise protection, and the issue of aircraft noise and flight paths were of particular interest. Some guests also used the Noise Protection Day to discuss the installation of noise protection measures in their homes with the construction companies that attended.

The Noise Protection Day has been held annually in Schönefeld since 2016. All BER residents can take the opportunity here to talk to the construction companies present and the noise protection team, ask questions about noise protection and, if necessary, even commission for noise protection measures to be implemented.

Around 18 months after BER’s opening, around 8,800 houses around BER are still without any noise protection even though the documents for commissioning noise protection have been available to the owners for years. As a result, almost 100 million euros that FBB has pledged for the installation of noise protection remain unused.

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