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Certificate “cycle friendly employer”
Certificate “cycle friendly employer”

FBB is a “cycle

Published: 28 October 2022, 12:00

The airport company has been awarded the EU-wide “cycle friendly employer” certification by the German Cyclists’ Club (ADFC). A corresponding certificate was presented to Chief Human Resources Officer Michael Halberstadt on Thursday (27 October 2022). The bronze seal acknowledges the cycling infrastructure that the company offers its employees at BER Airport. Points for the certification were, for example, sufficient and well-equipped bicycle parking spaces for staff coming to work by bike, changing facilities and showers, regular cycling campaigns, such as the annual cycling competition “Who cycles the most?” as well as offers for purchasing company bicycles.

The EU-wide “certified cycle friendly employer” seal has been awarded in Germany exclusively by the German Cyclists’ Club (ADFC) since 2017.

Chief Human Resources Officer Michael Halberstadt, ADFC staff member Carolin Kruse, FBB Bicycle Officer Stephanie Brandt and Kai Johannsen from Environmental Management (from left)
Chief Human Resources Officer Michael Halberstadt, ADFC staff member Carolin Kruse, FBB Bicycle Officer Stephanie Brandt and Kai Johannsen from Environmental Management (from left)


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