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Children in gym
Children in gym

Sponsorship & donations

Published: 17 January 2023, 10:00

Important information for 2023

  • Applications for support can now be submitted again.
  • Please submit your applications for financial support, regardless of the current term of your ongoing sponsorship agreement, to us no later than by 30 April 2023.
  • We have included applications that we have already received since the beginning of this year until now. Please submit any missing forms here, if necessary.
  • Please only send your requests to and make sure that the documents are complete and that you provide evidence of your existing contractual relationship.
  • As a rule, only one project per association/surrounding institution is supported per calendar year. Therefore, please coordinate your needs within your institutions and submit your applications to us in bundles, if possible, so that multiple and independently submitted requests can be avoided.
  • Please inform us in good time (no later than four weeks in advance) if you need any advertising material, giveaways or non-cash prizes from us.
  • We can currently offer you our BER bouncy castle for individual events. Multiple events are not possible. Please get in touch as soon as possible and send us the completed registration form.

The information published on this page is as of the date of publication or update.