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Detailaufnahme von Kindern, die gelbe Warnwesten tragen und Teddybären in den Händen halten
Detailaufnahme eines Kindes, das eine gelbe Warnweste trägt und einen Teddybären in den Händen hält

Children's safety vests for more safety

on the way to school

Published: 14 September 2023, 13:57

Just in time for the start of school, Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH is giving away children's safety vests to the neighborhood as part of the annual school enrollment campaign.

Since 2020, the surrounding area work team at Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH has been committed to supporting our youngest neighbors through the “Children’s safety vests for the airport region” school campaign. This year, primary schools in the area around BER were once again invited to apply for free high-visibility vests for those starting school.

Due to the positive response in recent years, more and more schools are becoming aware of our school enrollment campaign. This year, 3,267 high-visibility vests were distributed to 33 primary schools in the airport region. To ensure that they are ready for the first graders in time for the start of the new school year, the majority of the high-visibility vests were delivered to schools before the summer holidays.

Einschulaktion „Kinderwarnwesten für die Flughafenregion“

The Anna Seghers School in Berlin-Adlershof was also very happy about the campaign. The high-visibility vests were personally handed over to the school management today by Human Resources Manager Michael Halberstadt and surrounding area representative Christian Franzke.

Stefanie Haueis-Robinson, Head of the Anna Seghers School Berlin-Adlershof: “We are very pleased that BER is taking action to address the road safety of students in the airport area. Thanks to the airport company, we can equip all four new first classes with high-visibility vests so that they can move safely through Berlin’s traffic.”

The school enrollment campaign is intended to encourage mutual consideration in road traffic and to help ensure that our little neighbors always make their way to school clearly and safely.


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