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Neighbours in dialogue
Neighbours in dialogue

Constructive exchange

in BER’s surrounding communities

Published: 20 December 2023, 14:00

Discussions on location with residents

Dialogue format for communities in the airport region
Transparent communication and open dialogue on issues that affect people in the surrounding area – directly at their location. This is what Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH (FBB)’s “Neighbours in Dialogue” stands for – the format with which the airport company once again took to the streets around BER this year. FBB visits various BER neighbouring communities several times a year to discuss the importance of the airport for the region and other issues relevant to the surrounding area with the local city councils, municipal councils and citizens. The dialogue aims to align itself with individual local needs. Therefore, FBB gives communities the opportunity to select key topics in advance, which will then be presented and discussed at the event. These include aircraft noise, flight routes and noise charges, the noise abatement programme, air quality issues, ecological compensation and replacement measures and the airport company’s work in the surrounding area.

From Erkner to Ludwigfelde – five stops in 2023
This year, the airport company visited the towns of Erkner (Oder-Spree district), Ludwigsfelde (Teltow-Fläming district) and Wildau (Dahme-Spreewald district) as well as the municipality of Gosen-Neu Zittau (Oder-Spree district) and the Berlin district of Treptow-Köpenick as part of “Neighbours in Dialogue”. All events focused on the topics of aircraft noise and noise abatement. More and more people are taking advantage of this information opportunity and are actively participating in the constructive discussion. This shows that the format has been gratefully received by the municipalities, as Andreas Igel, Mayor of Ludwigsfelde, recently confirmed. The event on 4 December at the town hall was one of the best attended this year with around 45 participants.

Out and about in the surrounding areas since 2021
“Neighbours in Dialogue” was initiated by the airport company in 2021 as an information and exchange format for the surrounding communities and neighbouring Berlin districts. While it was initially aimed primarily at political bodies, the format was also opened up to residents last year to give more people the opportunity to take part in the dialogue. Since August 2021, a total of 23 evening events with around 440 participants have been held in almost all communities in the airport region.


Oliver Igel, District Mayor of Treptow-Köpenick: “As District Mayor, I welcome the airport company’s initiative to proactively enter into a dialogue with us. The “Neighbours in Dialogue” format is a great opportunity to discuss topics we have chosen together and in a targeted approach.” 

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