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15 years of “Airport Campus”
15 years of “Airport Campus”

15 years of “Airport Campus”

Published: 20 December 2023, 14:30

Airport company event series celebrates anniversary

BER and the associated aviation-specific and business management topics regularly arouse great interest among students. For this reason, the “Airport Campus” format was created in November 2008, which gives students the opportunity to combine theory and practice using the airport company as an example and to take a look behind the scenes of airport operations. Since then, more than 4,000 students from Berlin and Brandenburg have taken part in more than 60 lecture events on various topics.

A special anniversary event was held on 6 December to mark the 15th anniversary of the format. To celebrate, the airport company organised a panel discussion in Hall 17 at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau. On the topic “Competition for talent: securing skilled labour for the airport region”, a five-member panel of experts from the region discussed the opportunities and challenges of the skilled labour situation in the capital region and especially for BER.

Afterwards, participants had the opportunity to find out more about entry and career prospects at BER and chat and network over snacks and drinks. In addition to students from Berlin and Brandenburg, representatives from the regional economy, politics and administration also participated in the event.

Click here for the video

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