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Aircraft from various airlines on the BER apron © Günter Wicker / FBB
Aircraft from various airlines on the BER apron © Günter Wicker / FBB © Günter Wicker / FBB

BER is a business partner of BARIG

Published: 25 January 2024, 11:00

BER is a business partner of BARIG

Berlin Brandenburg Airport is a business partner of BARIG (Board of Airline Representatives in Germany). The airline association represents the mutual interests of more than 100 national and international airlines. Since its foundation in 1951, BARIG has been working to improve the basic conditions for air traffic in Germany and is the point of contact for policy, authorities, business and the media.

“Well-coordinated processes at airports are crucial for reliable air traffic operations,” emphasises BARIG Chairman and Executive Director Michael Hoppe. “Therefore, we are pleased to welcome another airport to our network with the capital airport of Berlin Brandenburg. Through constructive dialogue, we can promote important initiatives in the interests of the airlines, their passengers and cargo customers and work together on improvements.”

Aletta von Massenbach, Chief Executive Officer of Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH, emphasised: “We are looking forward to the dialogue with BARIG and its international airline representatives. Together, we want to further promote air traffic in the capital region and eastern Germany.”

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