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Luftbild BER © Guenter Wicker / Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH
Luftbild BER © Guenter Wicker / Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH

Survey flights

in the nights of 2-4 February and 9-10 February 

Published: 02 February 2024, 10:00

Survey flights carried out by German Air Traffic Control (DFS) have been announced for the nights of 2-4 February and 9-10 February on BER’s southern runway. A rather quiet, twin-engine propeller Beechcraft Super King Air 350 aircraft will be used. These flights will survey take-offs and landings in an easterly direction in the first period indicated and in a westerly direction in the second.

In addition, the distance measuring equipment will also be calibrated during the nights of 2-4 February. There will be flyovers around the airport in a 25-kilometres radius. This special test requires circular flight paths with radii of approx. 25 and approx. 10 kilometres. Take-off procedures are also carried out in different directions.

Flyovers often take place in succession and at low altitude. The aircraft avoid flying over built-up areas provided that the specified flight profiles allow this.

Survey flights check the runway’s instrument landing system (ILS) and distance measuring equipment (DME) for accuracy and error-free operation. Both systems assist the pilot in daily flight operations with navigation.

The specially equipped survey aircraft checks the precision of the signals required for safe take-offs and landings. As usual, the survey flights will take place at night, as air traffic does not permit them during the day and the systems cannot be used operationally during the flight survey. Therefore, the flights are generally exempt from night flight restrictions.

Luftbild BER © Guenter Wicker / Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH

Measurements at regular intervals are prescribed by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).    


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