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Press­ Release

Published: 18 December 2020, 11:55

Airport company expands aircraft noise measurement network at BER / Measuring point in Ragow goes into operation

In December 2020, the network of aircraft noise measurement points around Berlin Brandenburg Airport was expanded to include four new measurement points. Today, measuring point number 34 in Ragow on the property of Mayor Maja Buße was went into operation. The other new measuring points are located in Königs Wusterhausen on the grounds of the Funkerberg Museum, on Müggelsee on a building belonging to Lehrkabinett Teufelssee and at the Boddinsfelde riding stables. At the beginning of 2021, four more measuring points will be added on public roads along the flight routes of the southern runway of BER. A total of 30 stationary measuring points will then measure aircraft noise at BER. In addition, the airport company takes mobile aircraft noise measurements on a monthly basis with two measuring stations in the vicinity of BER.

Michael Halberstadt, Chief Human Ressources Officer of Berlin Brandenburg Airport GmbH: “Aircraft noise measurement is an important part of the airport company's efforts to achieve transparency and to reduce aircraft noise. We make all data available online, so that anyone interested can publicly and at any time understand what the airport is causing. We have also been basing fees on noise levels since 2005 and will continue to improve this system. Anyone who makes a lot of noise also has to pay significantly more.”

The levels are measured and recorded every second around the clock. This allows us to determine the maximum level per overflight as well as the continuous noise level per day, night, month and year. All measured values can be called up online.

The Airport company's Environment & Noise Abatement department performs checks the function of the measuring points daily, and manually checks all assigned measured values as well as performing twice-yearly on-site maintenance with calibration. In addition, the measurement chain is calibrated every two years. The system behind the new measuring points was inherited from Tegel, which slashed construction costs by half.

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Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH
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Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg
Operating Area BER North
Willy-Brandt-Straße 1
12529 Schönefeld