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Press­ Release

Published: 29 March 2021, 13:35

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Alternate aircraft noise reduction / Airport company to change runway monthly from April onwards

From 1 April, the airport company (FBB) will use its two runways on a monthly rotating basis. Starting next week, take-offs and landings will take place on BER’s southern runway. The Joint Upper Aviation Authority Berlin-Brandenburg (LuBB) today granted FBB permission to do so. Since operations on the southern runway were suspended at the beginning of December, FBB has operated exclusively on the northern runway to reduce running costs.

With the monthly change, noise pollution from the aircraft will be distributed more evenly in the airport region. The alternation will always take place on the first day of the month at midnight. The scheme is initially planned until the end of the year. Alternating runways is not associated with any additional costs.

Engelbert Lütke Daldrup, Chief Executive Officer of Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH: “We are pleased that the Aviation Authority has approved the rotating use of the two runways every month after an extensive review. Since Terminal 5 is not needed for the time being, we can distribute noise pollution more evenly for our neighbours this year. The positive effect of BER’s low utilisation rate in terms of noise pollution therefore benefits the entire region. I would like to say thank you to all process partners in implementing this innovative procedure.”

Patrick Strogies, Aircraft Noise Protection Officer for Berlin-Brandenburg: “I emphatically welcome the alternating use of the two runways. Alternating between runways ensures a balance and distributes noise more evenly.”

Hans Niebergall, Tower Manager at Berlin Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH: “Our air traffic controllers and apron supervisors are responsible for safely handling air traffic. Alternating runway use helps to maintain their operational routines for both runways. This will help to smoothly transition to simultaneous operation of both runways once flight numbers increase.”

Night flight regulations apply unchanged during alternate use. FBB’s aircraft noise measurement programme has been adapted to the monthly rotation of the runways. You can find out when and where the mobile aircraft noise measurements will be carried out in the vicinity of the airport at:


Press office
Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH
Visiting address

Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg
Operating Area BER North
Willy-Brandt-Straße 1
12529 Schönefeld