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Press­ Release

Published: 04 June 2021, 14:57

Measurement network complete / BER aircraft noise documented at 30 measuring points since June

The expansion of the aircraft noise measurement network at BER has been completed. From June there will be four new measuring points along the southern runway. They are located on Havellandstrasse in Zeuthen, An der Fähre in Niederlehme, Am Bauerndamm in Genshagen and on Straße der Einheit in Groß Machnow. Overall, aircraft noise is now documented at all take-off and landing areas at BER with the help of 30 static measuring points. In addition, the airport company performs mobile aircraft noise measurements that change on a monthly basis.

All measuring points have special microphones that are installed several metres above the ground. The measured values are recorded every second around the clock. This is used to determine the maximum level per overflight as well as the continuous sound level per day, night, month and year. All measured values can be retrieved online (see link below).

The measuring points are needed to issue noise-related charges, among other things. The airport company hopes that this will encourage airlines to select particularly low-noise procedures for their arrivals and departures, and thus to avoid subjecting BER residents to excessive noise.

To temporarily alleviate aircraft noise in the surrounding area, alternating operation of the two runways will continue until further notice. In June, the take-offs and landings will recommence on BER’s southern runway.

Michael Halberstadt, CHRO Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH: “The airport company is working hard to keep the noise pollution for the residents as low as possible. Alternating operation of the two runways since April has contributed significantly to this. The high-density network of measuring points and public access to the data allow us to create a high level of transparency. This will help to further base the issue of noise abatement on a factual footing. This also includes our planned system of noise-related charges for the airlines, which rewards quiet flying.”

Press office
Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH
Visiting address

Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg
Operating Area BER North
Willy-Brandt-Straße 1
12529 Schönefeld