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Press­ Release

Published: 18 July 2021, 12:20

Pae White visits her work “THE Magic Carpet” at BER for the first time / Californian artist visits Berlin

The American artist Pae White visited Berlin Brandenburg Airport Willy Brandt on Wednesday for the first time and viewed her work “THE Magic Carpet” under the roof of the 32-metre-high main hall of Terminal 1. The large red carpet made of different kinds of metal mesh plays on the motif of the flying carpet. It was created for the 2012 “Art in Architecture” competition.

Artwork credit: Pae White, THE Magic Carpet, 2012. © Pae White. Courtesy of the artist and Neugerriemschneider, Berlin

Born in California in 1963, Pae White currently lives and works in Los Angeles. Her visit to Berlin coincides with her exhibition at the Neugerriemschneider Gallery located in the central Berlin district of Mitte, and is on until June 20.

Engelbert Lütke Daldrup, CEO of Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH: “THE Magic Carpet by Pae White has become one of Berlin Brandenburg Airport’s landmarks. With the increase in air traffic after the corona pandemic, more and more passengers from all over the world will be able to admire this work of art, which lends BER a certain unique charm. We are proud of that. The flying red carpet, which permits so many different associations, adds to the ambience and perfectly complements the beautiful atmosphere within our new terminal.”

Pae White: “I am delighted to see THE Magic Carpet in its final form - a work of art that captures the magic of travel and welcomes you in a state of transition and excited anticipation. I am thrilled to be able to travel to Berlin as my first destination after 17 months in California. Now that public life is slowly awakening again after Covid, I hope that more flights to Berlin Brandenburg Airport will reinforce direct exchange with Berlin as one of the creative capitals of the world.”s

Artwork credit: Pae White, THE Magic Carpet, 2012. © Pae White. Courtesy the artist and neugerriemschneider, Berlin


Press Photo

Pae White vor "THE Magic Carpet" - Pae White in front of "THE Magic Carpet" © Günter Wicker / FBB

Pae White vin front of "THE Magic Carpet" at BER.

© Günter Wicker / Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH

Artwork credit: Pae White, THE Magic Carpet, 2012. © Pae White. Courtesy the artist and neugerriemschneider, Berlin

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The responsible colleagues of FTI Touristik, SmartLynx Airlines and the airport company Berlin Brandenburg for the first non-stop flight from BER to Dubai on October 4, 2021.

Press office
Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH
Visiting address

Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg
Operating Area BER North
Willy-Brandt-Straße 1
12529 Schönefeld