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Press­ Release

Published: 02 August 2021, 11:25

30 Trainees and Students are launching their careers at the Berlin airport BER / Starter’s Signal for the Applications Procedure 2022

Today, 30 young women and men aged between 15 and 22 began their training programmes or courses of study with Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH (FBB). 21 trainees are beginning their in-company training in commercial and industrial-technical professions, whilst 9 students are embarking upon a dual course of study.

Michael Halberstadt, Chief Human Resources Officer at Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH: “Training is an important investment in the future. We are therefore continuing to train as before, despite the difficult financial situation of FBB due to corona. We need well-qualified young professionals, and will do so especially once the pandemic is over. Our new airport is a popular training location, not just here in this region. We have also been able to awaken the interest of applicants in other parts of the country who wish to use Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH as a launching pad for their careers.”

Multiple Perspectives

In the coming two weeks the trainees and students will first of all be granted an insight into the departments of FBB and the BER itself. The climax of this is a team-building event lasting three days. Here, the trainees and the students on the dual courses are able to get to know each other better through participation in common activities. Thereafter, the “newcomers” embark upon their first practical assignments in the specialist departments. During the first year of training, the new trainees and students are assigned mentors from previous years to offer them support in both words and deeds. The theoretical training of the trainees takes the form of block teaching units amounting to 13 weeks in each year of training at a Sixth Form College (Oberstufenzentrum) in Berlin or Brandenburg. After the three-year training courses for commercial trainees and the three-and-a-half year courses for the industrial-technical professions, the trainees, after successfully taking their examinations, acquire the IHK (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) vocational qualification. The students, in alternating blocks of three months, undergo a science-based course of study at the Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin (Berlin School of Science and Law) and study-related practical assignments at FBB. After successfully completing their courses they are awarded the title of bachelor.

The Application phase for the year 2022 has begun. 

August 1st is also the beginning of the application phase for the year 2022. In the coming year, FBB is offering nine vocational professions and six courses of study. The deadline for applications is October 31st 2021.

Vocational Professions 

  • Air traffic management assistant
  • Electronics technician for information and system technology
  • Electronics technician for operating technology
  • Mechatronics engineer
  • Industrial mechanic
  • Expert for protection and safety
  • Automotive mechatronics engineer
  • Aviation services personnel
  • IT specialist

Courses of Study

  • Business Management/Real Estate Management
  • Business IT
  • Technical Facility Management
  • Industrial Electrical Engineering
  • IT
  • Air Traffic Technology and Management

Extensive information for those who are interested at:

Press office
Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH
Visiting address

Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg
Operating Area BER North
Willy-Brandt-Straße 1
12529 Schönefeld