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Press­ Release

Published: 14 December 2021, 12:22

Thomas Hoff Andersson is to be the new Chief Operating Officer / FBB-Executive Board now complete

Today the Supervisory Board appointed the Scandinavian Thomas Hoff Andersson (44) as its “Chief Operations Officer”, COO. Andersson possesses both the Danish and Swedish citizenship, studied Business administration at the School of Economics and Management – Lund University and has been working in the aviation sector since 1996. Important milestones of his career so far have been senior leadership positions at the airports of Copenhagen, Denmark and Bangalore, India. In his more than ten years he spent at Copenhagen Airport (CPH), he has worked intensively on topics related to the digitalisation and automation of the airport procedures and the development and improvement of the passenger processes. At Bangalore International Airport (BIAL) Hoff Andersson was responsible for the commissioning of the Southern Runway, which made BIAL the first airport in India with parallel independent runways. Most recently, he was responsible for the Northern European market on behalf of the global Scottish ground services provider Menzies Aviation. Thomas Hoff Andersson will be taking up his post at BER on May 1st 2022. 

Jörg Simon, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH: “I am delighted that we have won Mr. Hoff Andersson as a manager for BER who was instrumental in developing Copenhagen Airport into a reference for sustainability and digitization. With his experience from an international environment, he will give BER operations the necessary impetus.”

Aletta von Massenbach, Chief Executive Officer of Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH: “It is good that the Executive Board is complete again with the appointment of Thomas Hoff Andersson. Thomas Hoff Andersson brings a good deal of international experience with him. Of particular value to us will be the fact that he is also able to view our processes from a number of different perspectives. This is why I am looking forward to working with him.”

Thomas Hoff Andersson: "I am honoured to join BER as its next Chief Operating Officer and would like to thank the Supervisory board for the trust they have shown me. Based on my previous experiences within the aviation industry as well as my assessment of the airport, I am convinced that BER has tremendous opportunities to grow into a leading international airport. I look forward to working closely together with our BER teams and partners to continuously enhance passenger experiences, focus on sustainable airport development and further strengthen the connectivity of our capital-region airport.”


Short CV Thomas Hoff Andersson 

2020 – today Menzies Aviation

  • VP Northern Europe / MD & Board Member of Menzies Aviation in Denmark, Norway and Sweden

2019 – 2020 Bangalore International Airport Limited (BIAL)

  • Chief Operating Officer

2017 – 2019 Airports Council International Europe

  • Vice-Chairman of the Facilitation & Customer Service Committee (Brussels, Belgium)

2008 – 2019 Copenhagen Airports (CPH)

  • Director of Passenger Experience & Terminal Operations (2016 – 2019)
  • Director of Airport Optimization (2011 – 2016)
  • Head of Planning & Analysis (2010-2011)
  • Business Partner (2008 – 2010)
Thomas Hoff Anderson

Thomas Hoff Andersson

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