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Press release

Published: 07 September 2022, 12:00

Passenger numbers at BER Airport at a constant level

Around two million passengers once again took off and landed in the capital region 

The number of passengers at Berlin Brandenburg Airport remains constant. 1.94 million passengers took off and landed at BER this past August. This means that the number of passengers handled per month has remained almost unchanged since May 2022. 1.4 million people used BER in August 2021. In pre-pandemic August 2019, the then Tegel and Schönefeld Airports recorded 3.2 million passengers, about 40 percent more than in August 2022. A total of 12.6 million people used BER in the first eight months of this year. 

Last month, 14,800 aircraft took off and landed in the capital region – 400 fewer than in July 2022. There were 12,600 take-offs and landings recorded in August 2021 compared to 25,000 in the pre-pandemic year 2019. 

A total of around 2,600 tonnes of air cargo were handled last month, 400 tonnes more than in the same month last year in 2021. It was 3,100 tonnes of air cargo in August 2019.

Aletta von Massenbach, Chief Executive Officer of Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH: “Our passenger numbers continue to be at a stable level. We welcomed three million passengers to BER in the holidays alone. It can be said that processes at our airport were orderly and trouble-free for the entire summer travel period until the end of August. The airport company’s long and thorough preparations together with all its partners have paid off. I would like to express my sincere thanks to employees for their efforts and high level of motivation.”

The August 2022 traffic report with the final figures will be available online at the end of the month:

Traffic statistics

The monthly aircraft noise report will be available online at the end of the month:

Aircraft Noise Monthly Report (german)

The graphic shows aircraft movements in August on the individual flight routes from both runways at BER.

Aircraft movements August

Press office
Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH
Visiting address

Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg
Operating Area BER North
Willy-Brandt-Straße 1
12529 Schönefeld