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Press release

Published: 23 May 2023, 16:45

BER with first ever operating profit
Airport company presents 2022 Annual Report

For the first time since BER went into operation, the airport company has generated a positive operating result. The EBITDA, the business result before taxes, interest and depreciation, was positive for the first time at almost 57 million euros - without special effects - after losses at BER in its first years of operation in 2020 and 2021. In addition, the very high level of debt was reduced by almost EUR 700 million.

The main factor behind the good annual result was the doubling of the number of passengers since 2021 to almost 20 million passengers, which increased revenue from airport operations by around 40%. Together with the proceeds from property sales amounting to almost 180 million euros, this resulted in sales of 594 million euros.

Aletta von Massenbach, CEO, Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH: “During the 2022 financial year, we took an important step towards financially stabilising the airport company. As part of a continuous process of operational optimisation, we were able to offer 20 million passengers a service that had been additionally improved over the previous year and thereby increased our operating revenues. Despite the continuing economic and political challenges, we are expecting a passenger growth of 10 to 15% this year and thus a total of around 23 million passengers.”

Jörg Simon, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH: “2022 was the year in which the operational and financial course was set for BER’s future development. By concentrating flight operations on Terminals 1 and 2 in the midfield and starting to implement the partial debt relief concept, important decisions have been made to ensure the airport remains successful in the long-term.” 

Press office
Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH
Visiting address

Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg
Operating Area BER North
Willy-Brandt-Straße 1
12529 Schönefeld