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Press Release

Published: 22 June 2023, 14:30

FBB invites you to its Noise Protection DayInformation and Lectures on the Topic of Flight Noise


Once again, the airport company is inviting all local residents in the vicinity of BER to its Noise Protection Day. This will be taking place on Thursday, the 29th of June, from 10 a.m. till 6 p.m., in the “DIALOG-FORUM” building, Mittelstraße 11, in Schönefeld.  

On Noise Protection Day, all interested guests have the possibility of discussing their questions and issues. In addition to a number of construction companies, experts on the topics of flight noise and flight routes and the noise protection team of FBB will be on the spot all day. Furthermore, there will again be specialist lectures this year also. For example, BER’s noise protection programme will be the focus of attention at 1 p.m., whilst at 3 p.m. the topics flight noise and flight routes will be presented. The Noise Protection Day has been taking place regularly since 2016. Both the visit and the counselling are non-binding and free of charge. 

Michael Halberstadt, CEO Human Resources of Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH: “Air traffic has increased significantly since the opening of BER and will continue to do so. We therefore wish to once again invite our neighbours to visit the forthcoming Noise Protection Day. This is an offer to all, to inform themselves extensively and in-depth on the topics of noise protection, flight noise and flight routes.”

Markus Mücke, Head of the Working Group Flight Noise and Noise Protection of the Dialogue Forum Airport Berlin Brandenburg: “Those local residents who have not yet installed sound insulation in their homes should accept the practical offer of the airport company and visit the Noise Protection Day. Take this opportunity to attend to the question of noise protection and to ask any questions you have concerning adherence to flights routes!” 

Further information on the Noise Protection Day, how to get there and on the Noise Protection Programme of BER in general can be found here

Press office
Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH
Visiting address

Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg
Operating Area BER North
Willy-Brandt-Straße 1
12529 Schönefeld