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Wiese vor Terminal 1


in flight path planning

Die Planung von Flugrouten ist ein hochkomplexer Prozess, an dem viele Akteur:innen beteiligt sind. Die Luftfahrt, die Politik, verschiedene Behörden und die Anwohnenden im Umfeld des Flughafens. Die Flugrouten müssen nicht nur Sicherheitskriterien erfüllen und das Klima schonen, sondern auch die Bürger:innen weitestgehend vor Fluglärm schützen.

Bundesaufsichtsamt für Flugsicherung

The flight paths are ultimately approved by the Federal Supervisory Authority for Air Navigation Services. Because of the current legal basis, the approval procedures for airports under federal state law (planning approval) and the approval of flight paths under federal law are quite far apart in terms of time. Flight path planning is not part of the planning approval.

Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH welcomes the recommendations of the Federal Supervisory Authority for Air Navigation Services to investigate further improvement options for residents in the vicinity of the airport based on the actual noise and sound pollution levels at BER.

Deutsche Flugsicherung (DFS)

Deutsche Flugsicherung is an independent federal authority of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development. It is responsible for planning flight paths for all commercial airports in Germany. The website provides further information on the development of approach and departure procedures, press releases on the subject of flight paths at BER, and much more: www.dfs.de

Aircraft Noise Commission

The Aircraft Noise Commission consists of representatives from municipalities and districts in the vicinity of the airport. It advises Deutsche Flugsicherung on the development of noise-optimised flight paths. Following the publication of the DFS path proposals in September 2010, the Aircraft Noise Commission was enlarged to include representatives from other potentially affected areas.

Aufgaben der Fluglärmkommission [German]